
Class: B


Operand Stack Heap Condition Codes
  • Initial (operands):
    value or location
  • Final (return values):
    value or location

heap[11] specifies which axis of the location to decrement.

  • 1 = x axis
  • 2 = y axis
  • Both otherwise

0 = move failed (agent is still on original host)

1 = move succeeded (agent is now running on remote host)


Decrements a value or location that is on stop of the stack. heap[11] is used to determine which axis to decrement in the case of a location. If heap[11] is not set, it decrements both the x and y coordinates, if heap[11] is 1 it only decrements the x coordinate, if heap[11] is 2 it only decrements the y coordinate.

This page was last updated on December 7, 2005 3:50 AM.
This work is supported by the ONR MURI Project CONTESSA and the NSF under grant number CCR-9970939.